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Showing posts from September, 2022

Understanding Hair Loss And Hair Fall

There is a very fine line between hair loss and hair fall. Whether it is Hair loss or hair fall, both can be quite a taxing experience for anyone. It is sometimes a product of age and sometimes genetics. But the reasons can be many and varied. For instances, it some cases it can be a product of environmental factors (being exposed to too much dust, dirty), nutrients deficiency (protein and vitamin C), change in the pH of the scalp (this can lead to dandruff formation as well), biological factors (stress, anxiety, hormonal imbalance), etc. All these factors can contribute to the issue of hair fall. However, one should understand that losing hair is natural. That means, on a daily basis (on an average) a human being loses 100 hair strands.  This isn’t problematic. As a matter of fact, it is quite normal. This is because this number gets replaced. That means, before you know the lost hair is replaced by new strands. But if hair fall becomes hair loss when the replacement rate is low. That